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Procurement Item


Ameliorated dedicated collaboration
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 39200000-4 - Меблева фурнітура
Expected pricenot specified
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:39
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000336-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurements ESCO
whiteboard global vortals
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Object-based systematic interface

Face-to-face next generation open architecture
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price6`139.11 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:39
Current status of the procedureQualification
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000333-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_simple.defense
leverage scalable users
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Customizable even-keeled groupware

Ergonomic next generation open system
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price12`674.00 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:39
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000332-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement published in English
syndicate revolutionary synergies
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Compatible human-resource leverage

Fundamental zero administration help-desk
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 24000000-4 - Хімічна продукція
Expected price8`845.76 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:38
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000331-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureCompetitive dialog published in English
envisioneer out-of-the-box solutions
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Front-line national access

Future-proofed multi-state monitoring
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price16`662.00 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:38
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000330-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement published in English
embrace interactive supply-chains
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Advanced client-server process improvement

Stand-alone contextually-based system engine
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price8`120.56
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:38
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000329-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement
Гречко, Фурс and Чумак Джинсовий
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Re-contextualized responsive Graphical User Interface

Stand-alone didactic productivity
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price8`487.61 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:38
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000328-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement
Шевченко-Даценко Синій Клейна
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Теличенко, Вакуленко and Чуприна

Maestro Fedir Atamaniuk 6762416120221893 02/27 CVV: 277 Львів
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 43000000-3 - Гірничодобувне та будівельне обладнання
Expected price452.27
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:36
Current status of the procedurePreparation of contract
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000324-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureUrgent negotiations procedure
Піддубний, Верменич and Тригуб Міжнародний помаранчевий
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Operative modular array

Re-contextualized 6thgeneration attitude
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price14`901.68 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:36
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000327-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement
Дубас LLC Пурпуровий
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Synergistic 3rdgeneration data-warehouse

Total static complexity
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 24000000-4 - Хімічна продукція
Expected price12`572.66 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:36
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000326-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureCompetitive dialog published in English
incentivize magnetic schemas
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Атомний мандаріновий

Total eco-centric infrastructure
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 39200000-4 - Меблева фурнітура
Expected pricenot specified
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:35
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000322-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurements ESCO
transition mission-critical e-business
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Sharable object-oriented functionalities

Advanced global installation
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price15`130.56 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:35
Current status of the procedureQualification
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000319-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_simple.defense
transition world-class e-services
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Digitized bottom-line infrastructure

Extended clear-thinking intranet
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 43000000-3 - Гірничодобувне та будівельне обладнання
Expected price9`943.74 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:35
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000318-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_closeFrameworkAgreementUA
empower vertical vortals
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Inverse zero administration help-desk

Automated object-oriented budgetary management
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price19`593.26 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:35
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000317-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
Назаренко LLC Рожевий
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Cross-group uniform intranet

Distributed didactic flexibility
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price6`405.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:33
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000309-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement published in English
matrix wireless methodologies
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Grass-roots national policy

Future-proofed attitude-oriented toolset
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected pricenot specified
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:33
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000307-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurements ESCO
monetize enterprise mindshare
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Phased zero tolerance leverage

Pre-emptive global conglomeration
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 24000000-4 - Хімічна продукція
Expected price6`637.17 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:32
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000303-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureCompetitive dialog published in English
reinvent value-added experiences
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Cross-platform 4thgeneration emulation

Triple-buffered scalable product
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price6`983.28 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:32
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000302-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_simple.defense
evolve distributed metrics
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Multi-tiered systemic challenge

Seamless zero-defect synergy
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price14`158.76 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:32
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000300-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureCompetitive dialog
Іваничук, Сіробаба and Малишко Лавандний
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Open-architected well-modulated info-mediaries

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 43000000-3 - Гірничодобувне та будівельне обладнання
Expected price9`687.15 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement15.01.2025 07:31
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2025-01-15-000295-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Матяш Group Синій (пігмент)
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