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- page 235

Procurement Item

Open-architected contextually-based flexibility

Versatile mobile challenge
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price16`794.36 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:57
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000604-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureCompetitive dialog
Фурс Inc Ціан (колір)
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optimize bricks-and-clicks mindshare

Profound tangible concept
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 39200000-4 - Меблева фурнітура
Expected pricenot specified
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:55
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000591-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurements ESCO
optimize efficient paradigms
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Devolved non-volatile budgetary management

Optimized coherent functionalities
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price6`363.78 USD
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:55
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000585-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement
Шморгун-Єрмоленко Нефритовий
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Centralized solution-oriented synergy

Cross-platform object-oriented matrix
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price7`124.45
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:55
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000583-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
Засенко-Чубай Синій (пігмент)
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Robust systematic structure

Multi-tiered bandwidth-monitored concept
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price7`601.26 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:54
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000580-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureCompetitive dialog
Архипенко Ltd Сині яйця малинівки
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Pre-emptive optimizing archive

ПРОСТІР Ada Yevtushenko 9603415489817173 07/26 CVC2: 505 Комінбанк
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 43000000-3 - Гірничодобувне та будівельне обладнання
Expected price279.54
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:52
Current status of the procedurePreparation of contract
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000573-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureUrgent negotiations procedure
Баранець Group Дерева
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Public-key uniform policy

Intuitive well-modulated protocol
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price9`901.17
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:52
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000575-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
Вишиваний PLC Зелений
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Fundamental content-based focus group

Centralized content-based hierarchy
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected pricenot specified
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:52
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000574-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurements ESCO
transform value-added bandwidth
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Cross-group directional matrix

Streamlined 24hour Graphical User Interface
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price9`060.25 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:50
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000565-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
Батіг Group Помаранчево-рожевий
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Enterprise-wide motivating synergy

Devolved disintermediate flexibility
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price17`755.62 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:49
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000563-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_simple.defense
deliver web-enabled mindshare
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Exclusive cohesive ability

Cross-platform hybrid protocol
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03000000-1 - Сільськогосподарська, фермерська продукція, продукція рибальства, лісівництва та супутня продукція
Expected price9`718.41 £
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:47
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000553-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method selective_competitiveOrdering
Андрусенко-Яременко Лазуровий
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De-engineered dedicated projection

Polarized upward-trending knowledgebase
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected pricenot specified
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:47
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000552-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurements ESCO
redefine leading-edge networks
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Object-based client-driven policy

Enhanced actuating flexibility
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price7`389.56 £
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:46
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000551-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
Тарасенко, Талан and Артим Глибокий фіолетовий
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Configurable multi-state initiative

Intuitive client-server hub
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price9`338.81 £
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:45
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000550-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_simple.defense
disintermediate magnetic interfaces
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Devolved 6thgeneration website

Profound exuding collaboration
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 24000000-4 - Хімічна продукція
Expected price18`323.12 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:44
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000549-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureCompetitive dialog published in English
deploy B2B niches
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Compatible bifurcated monitoring

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 43000000-3 - Гірничодобувне та будівельне обладнання
Expected price7`618.24 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:43
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000546-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Тарасенко-Єрошенко Болотний
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Diverse mission-critical superstructure

Inverse hybrid throughput
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03000000-1 - Сільськогосподарська, фермерська продукція, продукція рибальства, лісівництва та супутня продукція
Expected price7`683.43 NKr
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:41
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000545-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method selective_competitiveOrdering
Андрусенко-Яременко Лазуровий
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Спрощена звернення

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 19000000-6 - Шкіряні та текстильні, пластмасові та гумові матеріали
Expected price12.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 10:25
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000523-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedurePre-threshold procurement
4 questions
Державна установа
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Окуляри FPV BETAFPV VR03 FPV Goggles; Окуляри FPV SKYZONE Cobra SD; Окуляри FPV SKYZONE COBRA LITE V2; Окуляри FPV SKYZONE SKY02O; Окуляри FPV DARWINFPV 3 inch FPV Goggles

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 34700000-4 - Повітряні та космічні літальні апарати
Expected price1`200.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 09:49
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000517-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method selective_priceQuotation
ТОВ "3Тест"
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ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 31100000-7 - Електродвигуни, генератори та трансформатори
Expected price1`200.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement23.01.2025 09:07
Current status of the procedureQualification
Tender IDUA-2025-01-23-000503-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
ТОВ "3Тест"
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