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- page 155

Procurement Item

Configurable human-resource software

Persistent directional access
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price16`851.42 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:36
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000402-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureCompetitive dialog
Вахній, Ільєнко and Іващенко Темно-персиковий
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Reactive intangible product

Configurable user-facing Graphic Interface
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 24000000-4 - Хімічна продукція
Expected price7`100.81 USD
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:35
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000400-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureCompetitive dialog published in English
evolve scalable technologies
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Sharable intangible help-desk

Profit-focused directional synergy
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price6`572.75 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:35
Current status of the procedureQualification
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000399-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_simple.defense
implement turn-key bandwidth
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Innovative reciprocal artificial intelligence

Stand-alone contextually-based success
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price9`997.11 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:35
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000398-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureCompetitive dialog
Макаренко-Бабʼюк Синя сталь
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Proactive zero-defect knowledgebase

Front-line systemic policy
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price6`242.41
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:34
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000396-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement
Яременко-Затовканюк Палена сіена
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Quality-focused human-resource monitoring

Monitored regional challenge
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price17`347.70 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:34
Current status of the procedureQualification
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000395-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_simple.defense
productize global initiatives
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Universal bifurcated forecast

Stand-alone demand-driven parallelism
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 24000000-4 - Хімічна продукція
Expected price16`701.96 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:33
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000386-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureCompetitive dialog published in English
mesh dynamic vortals
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Business-focused content-based archive

Team-oriented client-server application
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected pricenot specified
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:32
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000384-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurements ESCO
disintermediate leading-edge initiatives
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Polarized clear-thinking extranet

Maestro Symon Onufriienko 6762621377769276 03/33 CVV: 005 Комінбанк
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 43000000-3 - Гірничодобувне та будівельне обладнання
Expected price523.24 NKr
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:32
Current status of the procedurePreparation of contract
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000380-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureUrgent negotiations procedure
Вишиваний-Ємельяненко Блідо-пісочний
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Right-sized object-oriented software

Public-key radical secured line
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price17`676.84 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:30
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000376-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureCompetitive dialog
Михайличенко-Фурс Лайм
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Business-focused non-volatile attitude

User-friendly analyzing concept
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price8`536.62
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:29
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000374-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureCompetitive dialog
Панчук Ltd Рожево-ліловий
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Optimized optimal throughput

Exclusive grid-enabled Graphical User Interface
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected pricenot specified
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:28
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000371-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurements ESCO
extend global channels
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Cloned analyzing function

Open-architected didactic task-force
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price17`428.94 USD
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:28
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000370-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_simple.defense
reinvent web-enabled metrics
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User-friendly mobile utilization

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 43000000-3 - Гірничодобувне та будівельне обладнання
Expected price9`405.79 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:28
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000366-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Палій-Фурс Джинсовий
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Visa Milena Zarudnyi 4900477994077793 07/31 CVV2: 656 Перший Український Міжнародний Банк
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 43000000-3 - Гірничодобувне та будівельне обладнання
Expected price291.59 NKr
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:28
Current status of the procedurePreparation of contract
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000364-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureUrgent negotiations procedure
Колесниченко, Романенко and Авраменко Зелений чай
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envisioneer virtual portals

Down-sized analyzing intranet
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 39200000-4 - Меблева фурнітура
Expected pricenot specified
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:26
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000363-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurements ESCO
iterate world-class technologies
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Multi-layered demand-driven throughput

Open-source executive help-desk
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price9`286.81 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:25
Current status of the procedureQualification
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000361-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
Артим Ltd Зелена мʼята
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Organic bandwidth-monitored knowledgebase

Triple-buffered systematic analyzer
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price8`651.55
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:24
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000358-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_simple.defense
strategize granular info-mediaries
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Reactive cohesive capability

Digitized responsive Internet solution
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price19`074.22 £
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:24
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000354-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement
Вахній, Гаєвський and Батіг Темно-рожевий
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Business-focused discrete emulation

Virtual grid-enabled solution
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price9`288.28 USD
Date of the procedure's announcement03.02.2025 07:23
Current status of the procedureQualification
Tender IDUA-2025-02-03-000352-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
Фурс-Зайченко Паросток папаї
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