Announced: 27.08.2024 14:05. Last modified: 04.09.2024 14:04
Front-line executive orchestration -
Tender ID | UA-2024-08-27-001002-a | |
ID | 0dc9dd72ab234141b161ad8f08007187 |
The total budget for procurement
8`834.87 NKr
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Open-source logistical info-mediaries
Organizer of procurement
Official name | Іваненко, Туркало and Бакуменко Синій (RYB) | |
The total budget for procurement | 8`834.87 NKr (VAT included) | |
Purchase procedure | ?:tender method open_aboveThreshold | |
?:tender awardCriteria | ?:tender awardCriteria lowestCost |
till 04.09.24
Complaint period
till 04.09.24
Bid apply
till 04.09.24
from 04.09.24
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