Announced: 31.12.2024 07:46. Last modified: 31.12.2024 07:46
Virtual background conglomeration -
Tender ID | UA-2024-12-31-000382-a | |
ID | 2ca2fc262b484e34a5cb49214e253f4b |
Expected price
302`800.00 UAH
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Organizer of procurement
Official name | Вітрук Ltd Помаранчево-рожевий | |
Expected price | 302`800.00 UAH (VAT included) | |
Cause | Creation or attraction of financial instruments, guarantees, loans or grants, as well as services related to insurance, reinsurance and/or compensation for losses from war risks of merchant ships involved in the transportation of Ukrainian export goods | |
Cause description | Pre-emptive asynchronous orchestration | |
Purchase procedure |
Report on signed contract
Choice of contractor
Preparation of contract