Announced: 17.03.2025 12:01. Last modified: 17.03.2025 12:02
Automated tertiary analyzer
Tender ID | UA-2025-03-17-000689-a | |
ID | 2187b7271fbe4915a24f0246094446a4 |
The total budget for procurement
6`303.81 NKr
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Front-line explicit Local Area Network
Organizer of procurement
Official name | Андрусенко-Яременко Лазуровий | |
The total budget for procurement | 6`303.81 NKr (VAT included) | |
Purchase procedure | ?:tender method selective_competitiveOrdering | |
?:tender awardCriteria | ?:tender awardCriteria lowestCost | |
?:tender mainProcurementCategory | ?:tender mainProcurementCategory goods |
till 25.03.25
Bid apply
till 25.03.25
Remains7 days Hurry to participate!
Specification of procurement
Lot #1. Срібний
incentivize web-enabled schemas
Auction parameters
Expected price | 6`303.81 NKr (VAT included) | |
Amount of the minimal step of auction | 55.60 NKr | |
Auction start date | 25.03.2025 12:01 |
?:tender milestones item title | ?:tender milestones item title anotherEvent | |
?:tender milestones item description | Diverse logistical middleware | |
?:tender milestones item code | ?:tender milestones item code prepayment | |
?:tender milestones item percentage | 100% | |
?:tender milestones item duration | 985 ?:tender milestones item duration type calendar |
Procurement specifications
1) |
scale strategic communities
?:tender form class cpv: 03000000-1 - Сільськогосподарська, фермерська продукція, продукція рибальства, лісівництва та супутня продукція
Delivery address: 00000, 0000000, 0000000000 0000000, 00000, 000000000 00000000
Quantity: 5880.53 вольт-ампер
Tender documents
![]() |
Document type is not specified
Published: 17.03.2025 12:01
version from date: 17.03.2025 12:01
ID: 2ab6b50715774f12ad6e8b4682ae018a
![]() |
Document type is not specified
Published: 17.03.2025 12:01
version from date: 17.03.2025 12:01
ID: 5b58e1eda7b147258c4ee7b9c7dabf51
![]() |
Tender notice
Published: 17.03.2025 12:02
version from date: 17.03.2025 12:02
ID: a4e859e166e247018b0ced1a78ddef54
?:tender item config
?:hasAuction | ?:config yes | |
?:minBidsNumber | 1 | |
?:hasAwardingOrder | ?:config yes | |
?:hasValueRestriction | ?:config yes | |
?:valueCurrencyEquality | ?:config yes | |
?:hasPrequalification | ?:config no | |
?:hasPreSelectionAgreement | ?:config yes | |
?:qualificationComplainDuration | 0 | |
?:hasQualificationComplaints | ?:config no | |
?:tenderComplainRegulation | 0 | |
?:qualificationDuration | 0 | |
?:clarificationUntilDuration | 3 ?:config calendar day | |
?:hasValueEstimation | ?:config yes | |
?:awardComplainDuration | 5 ?:config calendar day | |
?:cancellationComplainDuration | 0 | |
?:hasAwardComplaints | ?:config no | |
?:hasTenderComplaints | ?:config no | |
?:hasCancellationComplaints | ?:config no | |
?:restricted | ?:config yes |
?:tender noticePublicationDate | 17.03.2025 12:02 | |
Enquiry period end date | 25.03.2025 11:56 | |
Proposals start date | 17.03.2025 12:01 | |
Proposals end date | 25.03.2025 12:00 |
Organizer of procurement
Official name | Андрусенко-Яременко Лазуровий |
National ID / Tax Number | 32801378 |
Legal address | 84301, Україна, Донецька область, Донецьк, сквер Наливна, буд. 32 кв. 853 |