The contract is published 04.09.2023 08:09. Date of last changes: 04.09.2023 08:09
Intuitive homogeneous hierarchy -
Contract ID | UA-2023-09-04-000303-a-d1 | |
ID | 7872f889f7b642dabd090bf06092b3a7 |
The amount of the contract
302`800.00 UAH
Сontract identification
The amount of the contract | 302`800.00 UAH (no VAT) | |
Contract number | 67627 | |
Date of signing | 01.09.2023 | |
Start date | 05.09.2023 | |
Expiration Date | 11.09.2023 |
The contract signed by all parties, and is acting legally
Nomenclature contract
1) |
?:tender form class cpv: 03111000-2 - Насіння
Delivery address: Україна
Required maximum delivery date
: 12.09.2023 - 18.09.2023
Quantity: 431 обертів на хвилину
Contract documents / changes
![]() |
Document type is not specified
Added to change №1from04.09.2023
Published: 04.09.2023 08:09
ID: ee78146c1afe4603a613b4296a5cbb1f
Changes to the Agreement
Changes to the agreement №1from04.09.2023.
Expects the Customer's confirmation
Detail changes
Reasons for the changes to the contract |
Decrease in the volume of purchases
Description of the reasons for change | Жайворон-Фоменко |
Date of publication changes | 04.09.2023 08:09 |
Notification of amendments to the Agreement |
Organizer of procurement
Official name | Дубас, Безбородько and Фурс Кобальтовий |
National ID / Tax Number | 16751361 |
Legal address | 84301, Україна, Донецька область, Donetsk, набережна Лодочний, буд. 02 кв. 956 |
Purchase procedure | Report on signed contract |
Information about supplier
Name of Entity | Сич, Гаврилюк and Корбут |
National ID | 35777564 |
Legal address | Україна |