The contract is published 29.11.2022 12:33. Date of last changes: 30.11.2022 18:32
Комп’ютерне обладнання -
Contract ID | UA-2022-11-29-000097-a-d1 | |
ID | 41dfad954ff04b499d978903cfbd4356 |
The amount of the contract
444.00 UAH
Сontract identification
The amount of the contract | 444.00 UAH (VAT included) | |
370.00 UAH | ||
Contract number | 454545 | |
Date of signing | 29.11.2022 | |
Start date | 29.11.2022 | |
Expiration Date | 30.12.2022 |
The contract signed by all parties, and is acting legally
Nomenclature contract
1) |
Принтер багатофункціональний Xerox VersaLink B405 (B405V_DN)
?:tender form class cpv: 30230000-0 - Комп’ютерне обладнання
Delivery address: Україна, Дніпропетровська область
Required maximum delivery date
: 01.12.2022 - 13.12.2022
Quantity: 1 штуки
Contract documents / changes
![]() |
Document type is not specified
Published: 29.11.2022 12:31
ID: d83731aa370848b7a2ef8664f786526b
Changes to the Agreement
Changes to the agreement №1from29.11.2022.
Detail changes
Reasons for the changes to the contract |
Decrease in the volume of purchases
Description of the reasons for change | рррррр |
Date of publication changes | 30.11.2022 13:57 |
Notification of amendments to the Agreement |
Changes to the agreement №2from30.11.2022.
Detail changes
Reasons for the changes to the contract |
Decrease in the volume of purchases Changes in the price per unit Improving procurement subject Extending contract time (documented by objective circumstances) Consistent reduction rates
Description of the reasons for change | ohnlk |
Date of publication changes | 30.11.2022 18:30 |
Notification of amendments to the Agreement |
Changes to the agreement №3from30.11.2022.
Detail changes
Reasons for the changes to the contract |
Changes in the price per unit
Description of the reasons for change | тест ЕЦП (false) |
Date of publication changes | 30.11.2022 18:32 |
Notification of amendments to the Agreement |
Organizer of procurement
Official name | ТОВ "Загальний замовник (тест)" |
National ID / Tax Number | 88446633 |
Legal address | 00001, Україна, Київська область, Київ, Хрещатик, 1 |
Purchase procedure | Report on signed contract |
Information about supplier
National ID | 00382125 |
Legal address | 03039, Україна, Київська область, Київ, ПРОСПЕКТ НАУКИ, будинок 1 |