The contract is published 22.10.2022 14:52. Date of last changes: 22.10.2022 15:58
plan#20221022.1316 Quas quos sit voluptate eum repudiandae. -
Contract ID | UA-2022-10-22-000001-a-d1 | |
ID | 12e42c93157049d1875adc18e575bdb0 |
The amount of the contract
1`200.00 UAH
Сontract identification
The amount of the contract | 1`200.00 UAH (no VAT) | |
Total payments under the agreement | 1`200.00 UAH (no VAT) | |
Reasons for termination of the contract | нужно | |
Contract number | 92 | |
Date of signing | 22.10.2022 | |
Start date | 22.10.2022 | |
Expiration Date | 31.12.2022 |
The agreement was signed and acted, but was prematurely terminated
Nomenclature contract
1) |
?:tender form class cpv: 03000000-1 - Сільськогосподарська, фермерська продукція, продукція рибальства, лісівництва та супутня продукція
Delivery address: Україна, Відповідно до документації
Required maximum delivery date
: 31.12.2022
Quantity: 123 ампер
Contract documents / changes
![]() |
Document type is not specified
Published: 22.10.2022 14:51
ID: 48957eb8c9d04a139ce0ae2dba2f1972
![]() |
Contract notice
Published: 22.10.2022 15:57
ID: 8cc642d864714ae89f69ef4d33be8727
Organizer of procurement
Official name | ЗамовникТест |
National ID / Tax Number | 88888888 |
Legal address | 123123, Україна, м. Київ, Київ, address |
Purchase procedure | Report on signed contract |
Information about supplier
Name of Entity | Коцман |
National ID | 455425 |
Legal address | 61121, Україна, м. Севастополь, Харьков, Гиршмана, 8 |