harness seamless communities
Organizer of procurement
Official name | Швачка, Адамчук and Оберемко Перський синій | |
National ID / Tax Number | 37688653 |
?:plan status 2
?:plan item buyers title
Official name | Швачка, Адамчук and Оберемко Перський синій | |
National ID / Tax Number | 37688653 |
Procurement specifications
Estimated total value | 57`089.78 € | |
Код ДК 021-2015 (CPV) | 43000000-3 - Гірничодобувне та будівельне обладнання | |
Year |
Tentative start of the procurement procedure | October, 2023 | |
Report on signed contract |
?:plan breakdown
?:plan breakdown item title | ?:plan breakdown item title crimea | |
?:plan breakdown item description | orchestrate real-time models | |
?:plan breakdown item value amount | 1868.74 € |
sign.p7s |
Tender at CDB
ID | 5fec0b52a4074240b73221143c0c8772 | |
?:plan plan_planID | UA-P-2023-12-04-000125-d | |
?:plan tender relation | UA-2023-12-04-000256-a | |
Last update date | 04.12.2023 07:58 |